Southwestern Industries, Inc.
KMX Knee Mill, Bed Mill & ProtoTRAK
KMX CNC Retrofit Safety, Programming, Operating & Care Manual
The safe operation of your knee or bed mill depends on its proper use and the
precautions taken by each operator.
Read and study this manual. Be certain every operator understands the
operation and safety requirements of this machine
before its use.
Always wear safety glasses and safety shoes.
Always stop the spindle and check to ensure the CNC control is in the stop mode
before changing or adjusting the tool or workpiece.
Never wear gloves, rings, watches, long sleeves, neckties, jewelry, or other
loose items when operating or around the machine.
Use adequate point of operation safeguarding. It is the responsibility of the
employer to provide and ensure point of operation safeguarding per OSHA
1910.212 - Milling Machine.
Safety Publications
Refer to and study the following publications for assistance in enhancing the safe use of
this machine.
Safety Requirements For The Construction, Care And Use of Drilling, Milling,
and Boring Machines
(ANSI B11.8-2001). Available from The American National
Standards Institute, 1430 Broadway, New York, New York 10018.
Concepts And Techniques Of Machine Safeguarding
(OSHA Publication Number
3067). Available from The Publication Office - O.S.H.A., U.S. Department of Labor, 200
Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20210.
Danger, Warning, Caution, and Note Labels and Notices
As Used In This Manual
- Immediate hazards that
result in severe personal injury or death.
Danger labels on the machine are red in color.
- Hazards or unsafe practices that
could result in severe personal injury
and/or damage to the equipment. Warning labels on the machine are orange in color.
- Hazards or unsafe practices that
could result in minor personal injury or
equipment/product damage. Caution labels on the machine are yellow in color.
- Call attention to specific issues requiring special attention or understanding.