Southwestern Industries, Inc.
KMX Knee Mill, Bed Mill & ProtoTRAK
KMX CNC Retrofit Safety, Programming, Operating & Care Manual
a single position.
a single drill event. Press Type to adjust type of pecks.
Bolt Hole:
a series of positions spaced evenly around a circle.
this event allows you to pause the program at a certain event. When
program the Z will move up to Z retract. The user will have to press GO to
continue the program.
Mill Event
This event is the same as in 2 axis mode except, you must program Z
Arc Event
This event is the same as in 2 axis mode, except you must program Z
Pocket Event
These events are the same as in 2 axis mode, except you must program Z
Profile Event
These events are the same as in the 2-axis mode, except you must program the
Z information.
Subroutine Events
These events are the same as in 2 axis mode, except you can offset the Z rapid
and Z depth.
Finishing Teach Events
The TEACH event is the same as what is found in 2 axis mode, except you will
need to fill in your Z rapid, Z end or depth and Z feedrate.
Prompts Used to Define the Events
The following prompts are encountered in programming the events.
# Holes
- the number of holes in the bolt hole pattern.
- the location of the first hole to be machined in a Bolt Hole event. It is
the angle from the positive X axis (that is, 3 o'clock) to the hole. The positive
angle is measured counterclockwise from 0.000 to 359.999 degrees. The angle
of rotation in subroutine and copy events.
- There are two meanings to Conrad:
1. The connecting radius between line or arc being programmed and the next
line or arc event. Simply enter the radius value at this prompt and the
ProtoTRAK KMX will figure the tool path to go from one event to the next with a