Southwestern Industries, Inc.
KMX Knee Mill, Bed Mill & ProtoTRAK
KMX CNC Retrofit Safety, Programming, Operating & Care Manual
Recall Absolute Position of All Axes
: Press INC/ABS. Note the dimension for each
axis is labeled INC or ABS. Press INC/ABS again to revert to the original reading.
Recall Absolute Position of One Axis
: Press X
or Y
Z, INC/ABS. Note the INC
or ABS label for each axis. Repeat to get selected axis back to original reading.
Inch to MM or MM to Inch
: Press IN/MM and note LCD status line.
The servo motors can be used to jog the table.
Press the JOG soft key.
The feedrate box will read 100 indicating the table will move in the X or Y positive
direction at 100 inches per minute. A message will flash to warn you that JOG is
to reverse direction. The feedrate box will change to - 100" Press
again to go back to JOG + (the + is not shown).
Press the down arrow key (to the right of the LCD screen) to reduce the jog speed
in 10 percent increments. The feedrate and override boxes will show these
adjustments. Press the up arrow key to increase the speed. The range is between
10% and 150%.
Press and hold X or Y to jog that axis. Release the key to stop.
To jog at a given rate, for example, 25 inches per minute,
simply press ‘25’ while
the jog message is flashing. This number will appear in the feedrate box. When
you press X or Y you will jog at this rate. Press the up or down arrow keys to
adjust. In metric this number represents the percent of the maximum, or 2540
Press RETURN soft key to return to manual DRO operation.
Return to Absolute Zero
At any time during manual DRO operation you may automatically move the table to
your absolute zero location in X and Y by pressing the
RETURN ABS 0 softkey. When
you do, the conversation line will read "Ready to begin. Press Go when ready." Make
sure your tool is clear and press the
GO key. When you do, the servos will turn on,
move the table at rapid speed to your X and Y absolute zero position, and then turn off.
You will be at zero and in manual DRO operation.
In 3-axis, Z will return to your program Z retract location and then X and Y will move to
their absolute zero position.