Southwestern Industries, Inc.
KMX Knee Mill, Bed Mill & ProtoTRAK
KMX CNC Retrofit Safety, Programming, Operating & Care Manual
When the program is run as a Rectangular profile the ProtoTRAK KMX will rapid to the
X1, Y1 corner, prompt SET Z, machine around the profile offset by the finish cut and
then make the finish pass.
When the profile is run as an Irregular profile the ProtoTRAK KMX will rapid to the
beginning of the first programmed Mill or Arc offset by the finish cut, prompt SET Z,
machine to the end of the last Mill or Arc event and then make the finish pass.
Subroutine Events
The Subroutine Events are used for manipulating previously programmed geometry
within the XY plane.
The Subroutine Event is divided into six options: Repeat, Rotate and Mirror as a
subroutine, or Repeat, Rotate and Mirror as a copy.
Copy Events are programmed exactly like Subroutine Events. The only difference is
that in Copy the events are rewritten into subsequent events. If, for example, in
event 11 you Copy Repeated events 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 with 1 repeats, events 6-10 would
be copied with the input offsets into events 11-15.
Copy Events may be Repeat, Mirror or Rotate.
Copy is very useful. With Copy you can:
Edit the events that are being repeated, mirrored or rotated without changing
the original events.
Connect so that the quill will not move up to the Z Rapid position, and back
down unnecessarily. However, to be connective, you must be certain that the X,
Y, Z begin of the first event, once offset or rotated, coincides with the X, Y, Z
end of the last event.
Program an event parallel to X or Y (where the geometry is the easiest to
describe), rotate it to the desired position, then delete the original.
Repeat, Rotate and Mirror may be connective. As long as the rules of connectivity are
satisfied, the ProtoTRAK KMX will continue milling between preceding and subsequent
allows you to repeat an event or a group of events up to 99 times with an
offset in X and/or Y and/or Z. This can be useful for drilling a series of evenly spaced
holes, duplicating some machined shapes, or even repeating an entire program with an
offset for a second fixture.
Repeat events may be "nested." That is, you can repeat a repeat event, of a repeat
event, of some programmed event(s). One new tool number may be assigned for each
Repeat Event. Repeat events may be "nested" up to five deep.
is used for polar rotation of parts that have a rotational symmetry
around some point in the XY plane. In addition to specifying the events to be
repeated, you must also indicate the absolute X and Y position of the center of
rotation, the angle of rotation (measured counterclockwise as positive; and