Southwestern Industries, Inc.
KMX Knee Mill, Bed Mill & ProtoTRAK
KMX CNC Retrofit Safety, Programming, Operating & Care Manual
TRAK AGE 3-axis To KMX 3-axis
ProtoTRAK EDGE 2-axis To KMX 2-axis
ProtoTRAK EMX 2-axis To KMX 2-axis
Manual Organization Notes
This manual covers the operation of the retrofit, TRAK Knee Mill and Upgrade products
that use the ProtoTRAK KMX CNC.
Some Sections do not apply to all users. For example, if you own a ProtoTRAK retrofit,
you should skip the sections that cover the description and operation of TRAK K Mills.
Sections that may not apply to all users contain a note to inform you of this fact.
Section 2
of this manual provides important safety information. It is highly
recommended that all operators of this product review this safety information carefully.