Southwestern Industries, Inc.
KMX Knee Mill, Bed Mill & ProtoTRAK
KMX CNC Retrofit Safety, Programming, Operating & Care Manual
select this softkey to control the X, Y and Z programmed motion with
the table or saddle handwheel. See section 11.7 below. The TRAKing/Electronic
Handwheels Option must be active for this function.
select this softkey to start the CNC run after TRAKing and STOP.
Program Run Prompts
During Program Run, messages that direct you will appear in a green box. The
ProtoTRAK KMX will wait until you press Go before moving the servo motors. What you
need to do is obvious in most cases. Below is some supplemental information.
Check Z
: Means to make sure the quill is properly retracted because the next move
will be rapid. Press GO to continue. Not applicable to 3-axis mode.
Set Z
: Means to drill and retract the quill for a drilling operation, or set and lock the
quill to the proper depth for a milling cut. Press GO to continue. Not applicable to 3-
axis mode.
Load Tool (green box):
The ProtoTRAK prompts you each time you need to change a
tool. In 2 axis mode, you can rezero out this new tool at any time by lowering the quill
to the top of your part and pressing Z = 0 ABS SET. The setting of Z zero is not
applicable in 3-axis mode.
Run Over
: Means that the program run is complete. If you are running a second part that
will be fixtured/clamped in the exact same position as the first part, you do not need to
relocate the absolute 0 and restart. Instead, press
the NEXT PART softkey when the
conversation line states "Run Over" and the system will proceed directly to Event 1.
At any time, pressing the STOP key will halt the program. This freezes the program at that
point. To continue, press the GO key.
Feedrate Override
The run feedrate may be changed at any time by pressing the up and down arrow keys to
the right of the LCD screen. Each press changes the programmed feedrate (as well as the
rapid feedrate) in 10% increments. The maximum overrides are from 10% to 150% of
programmed feedrates.
TRAKing / Electronic Handwheel Option
The TRAKing / Electronic Handwheel feature is optional for models except for upgrades on
DPM 5 and B5 bed mills where the feature already exists.
TRAKing is a special kind of CNC run. When you press the TRAKing softkey, the
programmed head, table and saddle motion is simultaneously controlled by turning the table
or saddle electronic handwheel. Moving the X or Y handwheel in the clockwise direction
moves forward through the program; moving counterclockwise moves backward through the
program. The spindle must be on in order to TRAK once the head reaches the programmed