Southwestern Industries, Inc.
KMX Knee Mill, Bed Mill & ProtoTRAK
KMX CNC Retrofit Safety, Programming, Operating & Care Manual
Using the ProtoTRAK KMX as a DRO
The ProtoTRAK KMX operates in DRO Mode as a sophisticated digital readout with jog
and power feed capability.
Enter DRO Mode
Press MODE, select DRO soft key. The screen will look as follows on the 3 axis model.
Note: the RETURN soft key is lit when in Jog.
DRO Functions
Clear Entry
: Press RSTR
then re-enter all keys.
Reset One Axis
Press X or Y or Z, INC SET.
This zeros the incremental
position in the selected axis.
: Press X or Y or Z, numeric data, INC SET to preset selected axis.
Reset Absolute Reference
: Press X or Y or Z, ABS SET to set selected axis
absolute to zero at the current position.
Note: This will also reset the incremental dimension if the absolute position is being
displayed when it is reset.
Preset Absolute Reference
: Press X or Y or Z, numeric data, ABS SET to set the
selected axis absolute to a preset location for the current machine position.
Note: This will also reset the incremental dimension if the absolute position is being
displayed when it is preset.