the harness and to the fall-arrest system in order to
use the correct anchor point and the correct securing
Components and materials
• Cables: galvanised steel
• Shock absorber: PA + PES.
• Housing: PA/ABS or aluminium for the 30 m models.
• Anchoring components: galvanised steel
Associated equipment
In accordance with standard EN 363, the blocfor™
20R/30R 150 kg self-retracting fall arrester is one
component of a fall-arresting system, which must
consist of:
• An anchor point (EN 795).
• An end connector (EN 362).
• A fall-arrest system (EN 360) with a rescue lifting
system (EN 1496).
• A connector (EN 362).
A fall-arrest harness (EN 361), (rear (dorsal)
attachment point recommended).
All other items of associated equipment are prohibited.
10. Maintenance and storage
• If a blocfor™ self-retracting fall arrester is dirty, it must
be washed with clean, cold water, if necessary using
a detergent for delicate fabrics, and using a synthetic
• If a blocfor™ self-retracting fall arrester becomes wet
during use or as a result of washing, it must be left to
dry naturally away from direct sunlight and from any
source of heat.
• Before transport and storage, wrap the equipment
in packaging that will keep out moisture and protect
against any damage (direct heat sources, chemicals,
UV, etc.).
Check that the rescue system can be engaged/
disengaged correctly.
• Check that the cable is not damaged at any point
along its length.
• If the device is contaminated, contact Tractel
or one
of its dealers.
Equipment compliance
TRACTEL SAS RD 619 – Saint-Hilaire-sous-Romilly
– F-10102 Romilly-sur-Seine France hereby declares
that the safety equipment described in this manual
is identical to the equipment that was inspected
for compliance with EN 1496(2017) by APAVE
SUDEUROPE SAS – CS 60193 – 13322 Marseille –
12. Marking
Explanation of product name:
B: stands for the name of the device, blocfor™
X: the type of blocfor™ device in the range (20 R / 30 R)
R: Recovery model (rescue lifting device, EN 1496)
ESD: a term generic to the range
Z: Type of connector on retractable lanyard end
B20 R ESD M47
A blocfor™ self-retracting fall arrester, recovery model,
belonging to the ESD range, type 20, fitted with an M47
connector on the retractable lanyard side.
The label on each blocfor™ self-retracting fall arrester
a. The trade name: TRACTEL
b. The name of the product,
c. The reference standard followed by the year of
d. The product reference,
The CE logo followed by the number 0082,
the identification number of the approved body
responsible for production monitoring,
f. Year and week of manufacture.
g. The serial number,
h. A pictogram indicating that the manual must be read
before using the device,
w. Working load limit.
aa. Date of the next periodic inspection.
ab. Minimum load bearing capacity of the anchor point.
13. Periodic inspection and repair
An annual periodic inspection is required, but depending
on the frequency of use, environmental conditions
and regulations of the company or the country of use,
periodic inspections may be more frequent.
Periodic inspections should be carried out by an
authorised and competent technician, in compliance
with the manufacturer’s instructions transcribed in the
PPE inspection instructions”.
Confirmation of the legibility of the product markings
should be an integral part of the periodic inspection.
On completion of the periodic inspection, the return to
service must be indicated in writing by the authorised
and competent technician who carried out the
inspection. This return to service must be recorded on