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Document Ref 942583-001 Rev 8
Quantium 510 Installation Manual
How To Use This Manual
It is recommended that all relevant persons familiarise themselves with the contents of this
manual prior to carrying out any operations or procedures.
This manual is divided into sections which are described as follows: -
Section 1 - Introduction
This section contains information on how to use the manual, the scope of equipment covered,
recommendations on qualified technicians and contact information. It also includes relevant
health and safety information required for the safe installation and commissioning of the
Section 2 - Site Preparation
This section details the procedures to be carried out in preparation for receipt of equipment
at site and the necessary actions prior to installation.
Section 3 - Drawings
All necessary drawings required for reference during the installation and commissioning,
are listed and contained in this section.
Section 4 - Packaging and Handling
This section provides instructions for unpacking and safe handling of the equipment.
Section 5 - Installation
The instructions for the correct installation of the equipment are contained within this
Section 6 - Commissioning
This section highlights the actions and checks, to be carried out, in preparation for the
commissioning activity and the procedures required from commissioning of the equipment
to handover.
Product Scope
The equipment and models covered by the contents of this manual are: -
The Quantium 510 range of fuel dispensers, with the exception of the LPG version. For
information on Quantium LPG dispensers refer to the relevant LPG manual as provided by
All dispensers in the Quantium 510 range use the same standard sub-assemblies and offer
a wide range of configurations and includes provision for options such as integrated payment
terminal, vapour recovery etc.