S e c u r e C o n s o l e S e r v e r M a n u a l , R e v . K , J u l y , 2 0 1 3
Page 44
This file already has the various commands in place, but they are commented out (rendered
inactive by the preceding
). Edit the
as required. Remove the leading
from one of the
lines below to make it active, then reload the NIC driver.
alias eth0 eepro100
alias char-major-72 exser
alias char-major-4 off
options -k exser
## options to control NIC speed and mode
## remove the leading '#' from ONE of the options lines below
### 100Mbit half-duplex
#options eepro100 options=0x20, 0x30
### 10Mbit half-duplex
#options eepro100 options=0x40, 0x50
The SCS system power should be cycled (using poweroff, not reboot). The power-off is done to
inform the switch connected to the NIC that it is now off.
Note: In the SCS-R and Sentinel 32 Models, these changes affect BOTH network
ports. It is not possible to change only one of the network ports.
7.6 Configure Authentications
to set up the authentication protocols. You may only need to run this if you
need remote authentication such as NIS, LDAP, Kerberos, etc.
The first checkbox,
cache information
will start the
daemon if selected. Refer to the
for configuration options. This is not required for normal operation and need not
be selected.
Other aspects of the authentication options in
are self-prompting for parameters for
NIS, LDAP and/or Hesiod.
Remember to run
to keep your new values.
7.7 Front Panel Display Options
The front panel display is a two-line, 24-character, backlit LCD. It displays system messages
during various system events (e.g., network restart, poweroff
but most of the time is idle and
shows the default display.
The default display shows the Hostname on the top line and the Date/Time on the lower
line, but this can be customized to show other information in either line or both. This can be
helpful in labeling each SCS in a rack with multiple units. Also, the default display can be
turned off and the editing of IP address information using the front panel buttons can
be disabled to prevent unauthorized changes.