S e c u r e C o n s o l e S e r v e r M a n u a l , R e v . K , J u l y , 2 0 1 3
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6.2 Change Logging Level
The sysadmin may wish to change the logging level of syslog.
Login as
Edit the file
/etc/syslog.conf (vi/etc/syslog.conf)
Restart the system logger by entering:
service syslog restart
7. System Administration
This section outlines the administration functions and commands that are accessed using
the network or console ports.
7.1 Security
Secure Console Servers use
to provide encryption for a secure network
connection. There is only one level of system administration access in the SCS and that is at the
root level.
Warning!: Anyone with the root password has the ability to access all SCS features
and functions. Your root password should be carefully guarded.
In general, users cannot interact with the system-level features. Only users with permission to
interact with a port can access the buffers or clear the buffered data.
7.2 Change Network Address
You may use the Front Panel setup (see Section 4.3, Front Panel Network Setup, beginning
on page 27) to configure the SCS’s IP address. This will temporarily change the IP address to
allow you to connect to the SCS. Front panel changes are temporary because there is no way to
write the new parameters to non-volatile memory using the front panel keys.
You must run
once you have accessed the SCS to change the network parameter
options and then save the parameters to non-volatile memory.
7.2.1 Run
After you establish a connection to the SCS (either through your console port or via
using the default address of, you may need to change the IP address setting of the
SCS to the desired address on your network, using
command is
a self-prompting program to set up your system’s network information. It supports DHCP/BOOTP
setup or static addressing. Use the space bar to select/deselect a value (e.g., DHCP). Use the
arrow keys to move up and down between the entry fields.
Note: Use of a static IP address is recommended with the SCS.