S e c u r e C o n s o l e S e r v e r M a n u a l , R e v . K , J u l y , 2 0 1 3
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Ports. There is only one root user for each SCS system.
The root user defines the access rights of all users in the SCS system. The root user’s access is
secured with the root password (default password is root). The root password should be changed
regularly and carefully guarded to prevent unauthorized access.
9.2 Port Identities
Each Port is numbered and has a default name (
port1, port2,
etc.) but may be given any
name by the sysadmin. Each user interacts with the servers connected to ports by entering a
command associated with either the port number or port name.
9.3 What Users Can Do
Remember: Use
connect <Port number or name>
to access a specific server or
network device.
9.3.1 Access via Network
To access a connected server via the SCS network port, the user should use an ssh client to
ssh to the IP address of the SCS. Secure Shell Host (ssh) to a Port
You can ssh directly to a port by using the following command:
ssh user@scs -t -t connect <port number or name>
9.3.2 Access via console port
The console port is normally used by the System Administrator during service events. However, it
can be used by any user that has access to the terminal and has a password to log into the system
and access system Ports.
9.3.3 Interactive Mode
For a user to interact directly with an attached server, the user must enter the Interactive mode.
connect <port name or number>
to connect to a port (only applies to ports for which
the user is allowed Connect access).
The user's terminal is then connected to the. The SCS displays the last page of the port buffer
along with a system information message indicating which Port is selected as the user enters
Interactive mode. If a user attempts to connect to a port that is in use, they will receive the
Device or Resource busy.
The Interactive Mode Escape Sequence is a series of two to ten characters that allows the user
to exit Interactive Mode and return to the System Prompt. The default for the Interactive mode
escape sequence is
(escape key, then uppercase A). The user may change the
sequence by using the command
. Break Sequence
The user is not connected directly to the server, but rather is connected through the SCS, and
therefore cannot use the break key. While a user is connected to a port in the Interactive
mode the user can, however, send a break command to that port. The default sequence is