S e c u r e C o n s o l e S e r v e r M a n u a l , R e v . K , J u l y , 2 0 1 3
Page 85
The cable type should be one of the following:
UL style 1028 or other UL 1581 (VW-1) compliant equivalent
IEEE 383 compliant
IEEE 1202-1 991 compliant
Appendix E: Assign an IP Address to a Device Port
Version 1.7-9 of the SCS software can assign an IP address to the SCS’s device ports.
The user can use
to access a port directly without having to first login to the SCS. If
DNS is used to give names to each address it becomes easier to associate device ports
with the corresponding server.
To do this, modify the
server code. The SCS ships with the original
installed and running. Several steps are taken to use the modified
program and to
assign addresses to the device ports. There is a README file called
that explains the steps to use the feature.
The steps are:
Run a
to replace the original
with our modified version
Edit the configuration file that defines the IP addressing
Run a
that creates the IP configuration
Appendix F: Adapter Pin-Outs
The following pages show the pin-out drawings for the adapters which are supplied
in the accessory kit with each Console Server.
KIT-000001 contains:
ADP-000005, ADP-000006, ADP-000007, ADP-000008, ADP-000009, ADP-000010,
ADP-000011, ADP-000012