S e c u r e C o n s o l e S e r v e r M a n u a l , R e v . K , J u l y , 2 0 1 3
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LINE_2 Changed in SCS Front Panel Display Display OFF
disables the front panel LCD display when no events are taking place. The
backlighting will remain on, but the display is blank.
7.8 Network Time Service
Network Time Service is supported. To use the network time service, the user must edit the
and start the
service as described
in the following paragraphs. (More information is available at
7.8.1 Configure NTP
The file
has many options. To define the time server to be used, the hostname
(or IP address) of the time server is needed. Using your editor, add the line
: server <my
time server name or IP address>
to the end of the file.
Example: For the hostname
your entry is
server ts1.mydomain
(The user will type the actual hostname [or IP address] of the time server in place of
The user should also add the server names to the file
This file
requires the name of the time server (the word 'server' as used in the file
not needed)
7.8.2 Start the NTP Service
To start the NTP service manually:
service ntpd start
To cause NTP to start automatically during startup:
chkconfig ntpd on
7.9 NIS and User Port Permissions
The SCS can use NIS to control user access to the Ports in addition to controlling user access
to the SCS itself. Since this is an extension to the normal NIS capabilities, some of the NIS files
must be installed on your NIS server. The user must create/ modify the NIS database to include
records containing user port permissions.
Note: Source documents, including this information, are stored on the SCS system.
NIS information is located in