S e c u r e C o n s o l e S e r v e r M a n u a l , R e v . K , J u l y , 2 0 1 3
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7.11 SNMP
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) governs network management and the
monitoring of network devices and their functions. Network management stations monitor and
control the network components. SNMP is supported in the SCS as “read only”. Refer to the
pages for more details.
7.11.1 Start SNMP
Start SNMP with the command
service snmpd start chkconfig snmpd on
7.12 syslog
Using default settings, the SCS will log all warnings and higher events. The SCS keeps a system
log file called
The level of logging is controlled by the file
SCS products can log the following:
Notice level events:
Port settings changed
Begin and end Interactive mode
Port buffer cleared
Info level events:
User settings modified
Port buffer accessed
The default file entry is
with lower level settings in
(A lower level setting
generates more messages.)
7.13 Timeouts
The SCS system supports timeout on the network port. Refer to the
page for
options. Use the commands
7.14 Changing Serial Port Settings
to change things like the port name, baud rate or hard/soft flow control. Note that
these changes are temporary and will be lost on the next reboot. To make the changes perm-
anent, edit the file
. This file contains a list of
commands (one for
each port).
7.14.1 Disable buffering while in Interactive
To prevent unauthorized access, do not store data in the Port buffer while in Interactive mode.
Under normal conditions, all data from the serial device is stored in the buffer and can be
viewed at a later time. To disable buffering (only while the Interactive mode is in progress), use
the command:
stty -F/dev/ttyBn -buffer