DB-074 E
RadEye GX, GX-L
Pi/Ff 14.09.2016
When the counter tube is selected the RadEye GX first dis-
plays 0.00 cps. After the first detector pulse the measurement
will be started. The RadEye GX starts working with the pa-
rameters previously selected (operation mode, calibration fac-
tor, alarm thresholds etc.). The selected probe is displayed in
the top line of the LCD.
Unless otherwise specified by the customer when placing the
order, the following values are set by the factory before delivery:
Alarm 1 for Count Rate
2 cps
Alarm 2 for Count Rate
10 cps
Alarm 1 for Activity
8 Bq
Alarm 2 for Activity
80 Bq
Alarm 1 for Dose Rate
0.5 µSv/h or 50 µR/h
Alarm 2 for Dose Rate
25.0 µSv/h or 2.5mR/h
Alarm 1 and 2 for the Dose
app. 16 Sv or 1600 R