Basic Operation
Downloading Data
Thermo Fisher Scientific
PDM3700 Instruction Manual
collect the shift data. If the downloaded data was part of a multi-unit
shift, select yes on Multi-unit Shift field and enter the serial number of
the first unit of the shift and the second unit of the shift. Ensure that
the serial numbers of the two units are entered correctly and in the
correct order. This information will be used to properly combine the
data from the two samplers for the entire completed shift. The data
from both samplers must be downloaded and sent to MSHA.
After entering the required information, you can view various graphs of
the logging parameters that were recorded during the sample event.
Select the parameters to view using the drop-down menu. For more
information on the download data screen, refer to the “Download
Graph Screen” section in Chapter 4.
After you have viewed the data, select the “Print Dust Data Card”
button The Dust Data Card screen will display. Select the “Print”
button to print a paper record of the sample run. This hard-copy
record will display the data entered when the sample run was first
programmed and the data results that were recorded.
After reviewing the data and to collect the data to send to MSHA for
validation, select the Save Data button on the graph screen. When
saving the data, you will be prompted to save the data to the PC.
WinPDM will prompt to save two data files, one for local use and
viewing, and a second data file for use by MSHA. The first data file is a
.csv format that can be easily imported into Microsoft Excel, or other
similar spreadsheet program. The second data file is a .MSHA file
format and is required to be submitted to MSHA for validation. The
.MSHA data file contains the data in the .csv file as well as a few
additional information details that will be used by MSHA for
validation. If the .MSHA data file is not required for a shift, press
cancel when prompted to save the .MSHA data file.
To ensure proper data storage and file information, refer to MSHA
guidelines for data reporting requirements.
Select the “Save” button to save the data file.
The WinPDM software automatically names the data files with the
date and start hour of the sample run (yyyy-mm-dd-hh), the PDM3700
unit serial number, the Mine ID number, and the vendor/instrument code.
For example: 2014-08-19-06-0212502-0503836-A.csv or .MSHA.