To replace the desiccant
1. Turn off the spectrometer.
a. To turn off the spectrometer, press the power button.
b. Unplug the power cord.
c. Turn off the purge, if applicable, and disconnect the purge line to the instrument.
Note You can use either desiccant cartridge (with or without the purge connector) to
maintain the required humidity. The illustrations below show the version of the desiccant
cartridge that is not purged. The instructions for replacing the desiccant canisters are the
same for both cartridges.
3. Remove the instrument cover.
a. Carefully tilt the instrument onto its back so that it rests on the heat fins.
b. Using the 7/64 hex key, loosen the four screws fastening the cover to the instrument base.
c. Carefully tip the instrument back onto its feet. When you tip the instrument back up, the four
screws will fall out. Be careful not to lose them.
Thermo Scientific
Nicolet Summit OA Spectrometer User Guide