11. Connect the flow coupler from the wall plumbing assembly (labeled “to spectrometer”) to the
purge tubing.
12. Set the purge gas controls.
a. Open the main regulator valve and set the purge gas controls as indicated below (see Setting
the Purge Gas Controls for details).
Flow Rate (scfh)
Summit Spectrometer
b. Plug in the power cord to the instrument and turn on the power.
c. Wait 30 - 60 minutes for the instrument to fully purge.
Set Purge Gas Controls
Correctly setting your purge gas controls will protect your spectrometer from humidity without
introducing vibration.
For best results, the purge gas should be dried to a dew point of -70 °C (-94 °F) or below.
To set the purge gas controls
1. Open the main valve to start the flow of purge gas through the regulator.
2. Adjust the pressure regulator for the spectrometer until the gauge indicates that the pressure is 5
psig (34 kPa).
3. Set the flowmeter for the spectrometer to 1 scfh (0.47 l/min).
Flow rates greater than recommended values can cause vibration, which can affect the quality
of your data.
Check and Change the Purge Gas Filter
Replace the purge filter when it is yellow, or otherwise discolored, or if it is contaminated with debris
or foreign particles.
Thermo Scientific
Nicolet Summit OA Spectrometer User Guide
Options and Accessories