4. Replace the instrument cover.
a. Carefully set the cover in position on the instrument base.
b. Tilt the instrument onto its back, resting on the heat fins.
c. Insert the four screws that you removed previsously. Tighten all screws.
d. Tip the instrument back onto its feet.
5. Replace the crystal plate.
a. Set the plate in position over the flange.
b. Place the washers on the screws, and drop the screws into the three holes. The screws must
be straight down in the holes.
c. While pressing down on the crystal plate, tighten the two screws on either side of the plate,
then tighten the third screw closest to the back of the instrument. Tighten all screws to be
finger tight.
If the screw spins freely, back the screw up and re-insert to correct the alignment.
6. Turn on the spectrometer.
a. Plug in the power cord to the instrument and turn on the power.
b. Reconnect the purge line to the instrument, if applicable, and turn on the purge.
7. Verify the spectrometer’s performance.
a. Align the spectrometer optics.
i. From the dashboard of OMNIC Paradigm software, go to Acquire Data > Diagnostics
> Align Spectrometer.
ii. Select Start to begin alignment. The screen says "Align complete" when alignment has fin-
ished successfully.
b. Calibrate the laser.
i. Go to Acquire Data > Diagnostics > Laser Calibration.
ii. Select Start to begin calibration.
Laser calibration may take several minutes to complete. When calibration is finished, the
display shows "Measurement complete" and indicates any change in laser frequency.
Nicolet Summit OA Spectrometer User Guide
Thermo Scientific