Learning Center
Measure a Micro-Volume Sample
Thermo Scientific
NanoDrop One
with NanoDropQC Software User Guide
3. Measure a blank:
Pipette 1–2 µL blanking solution onto the lower
pedestal and quickly lower the arm
and wait for the measurement to complete
: If
is On, blank measurement starts
automatically after you lower the arm.
Lift the arm and clean both pedestals with a new
laboratory wipe
4. Measure the first sample:
Pipette 1-2 µL sample solution onto the pedestal and
quickly lower the arm (see
Recommended Sample
for more information)
Start the sample measurement:
is On, lower arm
if Auto-Measure is off, lower arm and tap
When the sample measurement is completed, the
spectra and reported values are displayed.
5. To measure another sample:
Lift the arm
Clean both pedestals with new wipe
Load the next sample and quickly lower the arm
Start the sample measurement
Wait for the measurement to complete
The new spectrum replaces the previous one on the spectral
display and the new reported values appear under the
previous ones in the table. (Drag tab down to show both
sets of data.)
Tap to end experiment