Thermo Scientific
LTQ Series Getting Connected Guide
Connecting the Inlet Plumbing
This chapter describes how to make the appropriate plumbing connections to introduce
sample into the Ion Max or Ion Max-S API source of the MS detector.
Sample Introduction
With the LTQ Series MS detector, which has a divert/inject valve and a syringe pump, you
can introduce sample into the API source as follows:
• For direct infusion, connect the syringe pump on the front of the MS detector directly to
the Ion Max API source. To push sample into the ion source, set the rate at which the
syringe pump depresses the plunger of the syringe.
• For high-flow infusion, connect the syringe pump and the outlet of an LC pump to two
legs of a union Tee, and then connect the third leg of the union Tee to the ion source. To
introduce sample into the ion source, set the rate at which the syringe pump depresses the
plunger of the syringe and the flow rate of the solvent stream produced by the LC pump.
• For loop injection (flow injection analyses), connect the solvent flow from an LC pump
to port 2 of the divert/inject valve, a sample loop to ports 1 and 4 of the valve, and a loop
filler to port 5 of the valve. To introduce sample into the ion source, load sample into the
sample loop through the loop filler, and then switch the position of the injection valve,
allowing the solvent stream to backflush the contents of the sample loop into the ion
Fittings, Tubing, Unions, and Sample Loops
Setting Up the Inlet for Direct Infusion
Setting Up the Inlet for High-Flow Infusion
Setting Up the Inlet for Loop Injections (Flow Injection Analyses)
Setting Up the Inlet for an LC/MS System with an Autosampler
Connecting the Grounding Union to the ESI Probe Sample Inlet