Connecting the MALDI LTQ XL System
Connecting the MALDI LTQ XL Vacuum System
Thermo Scientific
LTQ Series Getting Connected Guide
Connecting the MALDI LTQ XL Vacuum System
The information provided in this topic is not intended as a guide on how to install the
vacuum system. Do not attempt to install the vacuum system without the appropriate
training provided by a Thermo Fisher Scientific field service engineer.
lists the kits and assemblies that contain the parts required to connect the external
vacuum system to the MALDI LTQ XL system.
shows the components of the
MALDI solenoid vacuum valve and vacuum hose assembly.
Figure 7.
MALDI solenoid vacuum valve assembly
Only Thermo Fisher Scientific field service engineers or personnel who have
received equivalent training from Thermo Fisher Scientific on installing the MALDI
source can connect the forepumps to the MALDI LTQ XL system.
Table 2.
Kits required to connect the external vacuum system
Part number
Mechanical pump kit
Hose and accessories kit
MALDI solenoid vacuum valve and vacuum hose assembly
(contains the plug that terminates the extra section of vacuum hose)
Solenoid vacuum valve
Hose clamp
Hose clamp
Vacuum hose
Centering ring