Analytical Principles
Preparation of Reactors and Adsorption Filter
Thermo Scientific
EA IsoLink IRMS System for CNSOH Operating Manual
Preparing the Adsorption Filter
The filling materials are introduced into the empty filter to form a series of layers of defined
dimensions. For a proper preparation of the layers, refer to the filling diagram of the concerned
instrument configuration, as described in the section
“Preparation of Reactors and Adsorption Filter”
The filling procedure should be carried out on a wide and clean workbench. See
To fill the adsorption filter
The following procedure provides instructions for filling an adsorption filter.
1. Introduce into either of the tube ends a sufficient amount of quartz wool to form the required layer
as shown in
Figure 47.
Introduction of Quartz Wool into the Tube
2. While plugging the tube mouth with your hand, press gently the quartz wool using the rod
3. Screw the nut complete with its seal onto the threaded mouth, as shown in
Before using the filling materials required for this operation, please read the
hazard warnings and information reported in the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
provided, referring to the relevant CAS (Chemical Abstract Service) number.
The filling of reactors requires the use of quartz wool. Before handling
quartz wool, we recommend to wear gloves and face protection.
Always use original Thermo Fisher Scientific materials and products. The use of materials
not meeting the technical specifications of our products does not ensure a good operation
of the instrument and may even damage it.
Material required
Plexiglas filter
Compression rod
Filling materials
Quartz Wool
Threaded End