Themis Computer
Re-Packing Instructions
Re-Packaging for Shipment
If it becomes necessary to return equipment to Themis Computer, it is very impor-
tant that the equipment be shipped in packaging that provides adequate protection
against crushing and moisture invasion. The original packaging is best for this pur-
pose, provided the packaging is retained in serviceable condition. If the original
packaging is no longer serviceable, or no longer available, care should be taken in
repackaging for shipment so that the equipment is protected from damage in transit.
Equipment should be wrapped in a moisture resistant covering and placed either in
double boxes, or in boxes with crush resistant insulation between the equipment and
the outer walls of the container. If using the original packaging, the clear plastic
membrane should be placed next to the equipment, i.e. up against the bottom, or
down against the top.
The following instructions assume the original packing components are still avail-
able, and in serviceable condition.
Packing Components
The original packing components are shown in
prise a packing box, bottom crush-resistant layer, and top crush-resistant layer. The
bottom and top crush-resistant layers are identical components, placed so that the