CPU Multiport Register File
Auxiliary Registers (AR7–AR0)
The CPU can access the eight 32-bit auxiliary registers (AR7–AR0), and the
two auxiliary register arithmetic units (ARAUs) can modify them. The primary
function of the auxiliary registers is the generation of 24-bit addresses. However,
they can also operate as loop counters in indirect addressing or as 32-bit general-
purpose registers that can be modified by the multiplier and ALU. See Chap-
ter 6,
Addressing Modes, for more information.
Data-Page Pointer (DP)
The data-page pointer (DP) is a 32-bit register that is loaded using the load data
page (LDP) instruction (see Chapter 13,
Assembly Language Instructions). The
eight LSBs of the data-page pointer are used by the direct addressing mode as a
pointer to the page of data being addressed (see Section 6.3,
Direct Addressing,
on page 6-4). Data pages are 64K-words long, with a total of 256 pages. Bits 31–8
are reserved; you must always keep these set to 0 (cleared).
Index Registers (IR0, IR1)
The 32-bit index registers (IR0 and IR1) are used by the ARAU for indexing
the address. See Chapter 6,
Addressing Modes, for more information.
Block Size (BK) Register
The 32-bit block size register (BK) is used by the ARAU in circular addressing to
specify the data block size. See Section 6.7,
Circular Addressing, on page 6-21
for more information.
System-Stack Pointer (SP)
The system-stack pointer (SP) is a 32-bit register that contains the address of the
top of the system stack. The SP always points to the last element pushed onto
the stack. The SP is manipulated by interrupts, traps, calls, returns, and the
PUSH, PUSHF, POP, and POPF instructions. Stack pushes and pops perform
preincrements and postdecrements on all 32 bits of the SP. However, only the
24 LSBs are used as an address. See Section 6.10,
System and User Stack
Management, on page 6-29 for more information.