The ’C3x supports multiple internal and external interrupts, which can be used for
a variety of applications. Internal interrupts are generated by the DMA controller,
timers, and serial ports. Four external maskable interrupt pins include INT0 –
INT3. Interrupts are automatically prioritized allowing interrupts to occur simulta-
neously and serviced in a predefined order. This section discusses the operation
of these interrupts.
Additional information regarding internal interrupts can be found in Sec-
tion 12.3.7,
DMA and Interrupts, on page 12-64; Section 12.1.8, Timer Inter-
rupts on page 12-13; and Section 12.2.11, Serial-Port Interrupt Sources, on
page 12-34.
TMS320C30 and TMS320C31 Interrupt Vector Table
Table 7–4 and Table 7–5 contain the interrupt vectors. In the microprocessor
mode of the ’C30 and the ’C31 (Table 7–4) and the microcomputer mode of
the ’C31 (Table 7–5), the interrupt vectors contain the addresses of interrupt
service routines that should start executing when an interrupt occurs. On the
other hand, in the microcomputer/boot-loader mode of the ’C31, the interrupt
vector contains a branch instruction to the start of the interrupt service routine.