DE0-CV User Manual
May 4, 2015
Configuring the EPCS64 in AS Mode
Figure 3-3
illustrates the AS configuration setup. To download a configuration bit stream into the
EPCS64 serial configuration device, you need to perform the following steps:
Ensure that power is applied to the DE0-CV board.
Connect the USB cable provided to the USB Blaster port on the DE0-CV board
Configure the JTAG programming circuit by setting the RUN/PROG slide switch (SW10) to the
PROG position.
The EPCS64 chip can now be programmed by using the Quartus II Programmer to select a
configuration bit stream file with the .pof filename extension.
Once the programming operation is finished, set the RUN/PROG slide switch back to the RUN
position and then reset the board by turning the power switch off and back on; this action causes
the new configuration data in the EPCS64 device to be loaded into the FPGA chip.
Figure 3-3 The AS configuration scheme