DE0-CV User Manual
May 4, 2015
Please note that the Control Panel will occupy the USB port until you close that port; you cannot use Quartus II
to download a configuration file into the FPGA until the USB port is closed.
7. The Control Panel is now ready to use; experience it by setting the ON/OFF status for some
LEDs and observing the result on the DE0-CV board.
Figure 2-1 The DE0-CV Control Panel
The concept of the DE0-CV Control Panel is illustrated in
Figure 2-2.
The “Control Circuit” that
performs the control functions is implemented in the FPGA board. It communicates with the
Control Panel window, which is active on the host computer, via the USB Blaster link. The
graphical interface is used to send commands to the control circuit. It handles all the requests and
performs data transfers between the computer and the DE0-CV board.