Configuration Setup
menu offers several options, illustrated to the
right. Under the
menu, note the configuration options.
Consistency Check
checks the configuration in the Config
Tool for compatibility and errors.
Save Configuration and
Save Configuration As
allow you to save the current con-
figuration to the hard drive of the laptop being used for pro-
gramming without committing the configuration to the
system. Throughout the programming process, save the con-
figuration regularly, and once programming is complete,
save the configuration as a backup.
Figure 14 - File Menu
menu includes a number of options, most
of which are used for different TekTone systems and integ-
NC300II Database Import
can be used to import
the Tek-CARE300II stations database as a foreign device
or into the Tek-CARE400 System. Foreign rules may be
imported or exported. Location Survey Data can be impor-
ted or cleared under this menu.
Remove Private Data
allows all private patient data such as medications, con-
ditions, etc., to be stripped from the configuration so that it
can be sent to TekTone for troubleshooting help without
revealing private patient information. The bottom option
(Generate Label Images) is used to create custom call type
inserts for SF123 and other stations if custom call types are
used in the system configuration.
Figure 15 - Tools Menu
drop-down menu, illustrated to the
right, gives several options. The first five options are for
resetting, upgrading, and recovering modules, as well as
changing the module subnet and setting the time on the
system. This menu also updates the VFD, master station,
the applicable Appliance Server, and NC475 Licensing.
Mobile App Echo Test Server
will determine if the facil-
ity's wireless network can support the audio portion of the
Staff App. The
Location Survey Tool
EchoStream Messaging Mode
will create surveys and net-
work IDs for Tek-CARE500 Enhanced Location.
Figure 16 - Utilities Menu
IL992 Tek-CARE120 Installation Manual
TekTone Sound and Signal Mfg., Inc. All Rights Reserved