Revision n°1
date 20.07.2006
Technical Assistance Service tel. +39/0444414731
necessary to insert the parameters in the column n.1: height of the dough to be sheeted
(25) and the height to be reached at the end of the processus (26), indicating how many
passages the operator wants to do (27). These numbers can be inserted just touching the
value on the screen, and digiting the desired numbers. The running speed of the belt can
be adjusted from 10 to 100mm/sec. (28). The belt speed is set for complete working
Under the speed setting button it is possible to see a small window to choose the closing
working phase (29).
the machine starts to laminate the dough. During this option the
sheeterstops automatically at the end of the sheeting cycle, allowing the operator to
fold the dough, to turn it on the belt and to start again the working cycle by pressing
on green key-button (14,15 illustrated drwg chap.2.1. technical description). This
cycle is usually used to prepare general puff pastry.
the machine is able to feel the height of the dough through a sensor and
once it feels the final thickness the dough is conveyed to the automatic winder with
the roll pin. The winder moves automatically to dough pin on its supports, the dough
follows the belt till it meet the winder which hoists the belt in order to roll the dough on
the pin automatically.
this option allows the possibility to save the rejects. At the end
of sheeting phase, the machine stops the belts running before the dough arrives to
the rolling pin, allowing the operator to cut the dough head. To start again the belt
running and the winding cycle it is necessary only to press the green key-button
(14,15 illustrated drwg chap.2.1 technical description).
this phase is pratically the same than previous one, further to
the first stop for head cutting, the machine will stop a second time after the dough is
out of the safety grids for the tail cut. This operation allows to save more rejects
this operation can be done only with
the machine provided with the cutting device. When desired dough height is reached,
the belt running stops, allowing the operator to activate the cutting device. Then to
start again running the operator has only to press the green key-button (14,15
illustrated drwg chap.2.1 technical description).
the machine works on the dough on selected cycle with all
the programmed sheetings, and this cycle will end on one of the two belts following
the number of sheetings selected and the start position of the dough.
This operation is done when the machine is not supplied with
the automatic dough winder or when working on very special doughs requiring the
operator hands manipulation.
Concerning the position of the dough at the end of cycle in case of manual working, the
machine will work the programmed sheetings and will position the dough consequently.
In case of automatic cycle, with automatic winder or cutting device located on a precise
side of the machine, the machine will work following the preset sheetings, but if the last
sheeting stops on the wrong side, the machine will add automatically a passage with
cylinders fully opened at the beginning of the new working so the dough will be
positioned on the correct side.