w w w . t e c h n i c o l o r . c o m / m c s
Page 66
This field is used to tell the COM46 to ignore Daylight Savings Time, if needed. This is
accomplished by entering a value of ‘1’ here. The default value is 0. If you are setting up the
Home screen feature set this field to 2.
This field is used to tell the COM46 where to find the custom logo for the property. This will be
the IP address of the PC containing the TFTP server.
This field is used to tell the COM46 the name of the file that is to be used for the logo.
The EPG’s channel lineup is created in the large textbox on the lower half of the screen, using the
following format:
displayNumber majorNumber-[minorNumber]-[hd|sd] QAMchassis port
This is the TV channel that the viewer will find the program on. majorNumber – This is the same
as the “Major_Number” field in the Channel Tune interface.
This is the same as the “Minor_Number” field in the Channel Tune interface. Please note that on
submission, the EPG will default to ‘65535’ if this value is not provided.
This tells the guide whether to pull the data for the HD or the SD version of a particular channel.
The default behavior for the COM2000 is to look for HD channels, so this setting allows you to
add SD channels to the EPG if needed. Please note that on submission, the EPG will default to
‘hd’ if this value is not provided.