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22 Thermostat Type
Choose heat pump thermostat or conventional thermostat based on the equipment being controlled. Select heat pump
thermostat when direct control of the reversing value is required. When the heat pump thermostat type is selected the
B/O relay is used to control the direction of a reversing valve. By default the relay is energized (closed) when controlling
for cooling. Internal BACnet Explorer
This advanced configuration tool allows browsing and editing of most of the available settings in the UbiquiSTAT
many of which are not available through the other user interface screens. Each explorer screen shows a single property
of a BACnet object. These same object properties can also be viewed over the network with BACnet network tools.
Figure 12
Objects that can be changed have an Edit button in the top left corner of the screen that brings up an edit screen
appropriate for the property data type. The edit screen contains a Load Default button, that when touched, loads the
default value into the editor (but does not save the value). If the BACnet object is commandable and its present value is
currently being commanded from the network, then the value field will include the text, “Network Override”.
The following navigation tools allow efficient browsing:
Screen Index
: This displays the current object’s position relative to the total number of objects.
BACnet Object ID
: This is shown at the top of the screen. This is used to locate the object when accessing it via the
: Advances forward/backward one object at a time. Navigation wraps in both directions.
: Advances forward/backward 10 objects at a time. Navigation wraps in both directions.
The internal BACnet Explorer has the following limitations:
Only the present value property of objects are shown (or editable), with the exception of the device object, which
presents the Max Master MS/TP communication property. Therefore, properties such as the relay minimum on/off
times and polarity are not accessible.
Only properties that are part of the controller programming (stored in non-volatile memory) are editable. This
excludes any objects that are commandable (or may overridden) via the network.
Text strings are not editable, therefore character string value (CSV) objects may not be changed.
See Appendix A
for a list of all BACnet objects.
While the object list in each model may vary due to feature being added or removed, the order of objects as shown
by the index number in the explorer is maintained and follows the order of the objects as listed in appendix A.
Appendix A is a complete object list covering all models.