2800 Laura Lane Madison, WI 53562 | 800.288.9383 Fax: 608.836.9044 | www.tcsbasys.com
4.5.1 Basic Settings Fan mode
The fan mode may be set differently for occupied vs. unoccupied occupancy modes. There are four fan modes that may
be selected:
• On
: The fan runs continuously.
• Auto
: The fan runs only when there is a call for heat or cool.
• Cool
: The fan runs only when there is a call for cool (available only when thermostat type is conventional).
• Auto + Recirc
: The same as auto but with additional run time if necessary to satisfy minimum air circulation
requirements (
see section 5
for more information). Setpoints
There are four occupied heating and cooling setpoint pairs and one unoccupied setpoint pair. The pair is in effect when
the corresponding schedule is active. A minimum dead band of one degree between heat and cool setpoints is enforced,
however, a deadband of at least two degrees is recommended. Date and Time
Set the date and time to ensure correct scheduling. System Mode
There are six system modes:
• Off
: All relays and analog outputs are set to their inactive state; no control is performed.
• Auto
: Controls both heating and cooling.
• Heat
: Controls only heating.
• Cool
: Controls only cooling.
• Off+Recirc
: Same as off but with fan recirc enabled.
• Emergency
: Controls only auxiliary heating (heat pump only) Schedule
There are four occupied setpoint pairs (A,B,C,D) and one unoccupied setpoint pair that may be scheduled. Schedules are
created using setpoint pairs and start times. Each setpoint pair can be used multiple times to create up to eight schedule
changes per day. At midnight each day the system automatically transitions to unoccupied, which uses the unoccupied
heating and cooling setpoints. If no schedule changes are set for a particular day, the UbiquiSTAT
will be unoccupied
for that entire day. If a schedule requires an occupied setpoint at midnight a schedule change must be created for
midnight (12:00 AM) in order to defeat the default behavior.
Different from SZ Series Thermostats
: Schedules no longer start and stop as they did on TCS thermostats.
Schedules now only transition from schedule to schedule.
The examples below assume the following setpoints:
• Occupied
: heat=70, cool=75 (best suited for customer comfort in a store)
• Occupied
: heat=65, cool=80 (best suited for after-hours employee work in store)
• Unoccupied
: heat=60, cool=80 (most economical when building is unoccupied)
Normal Schedule Example:
This schedule represents a business that opens at 8:00AM and closes at 5:00 PM weekdays.
By default each day begins as Unoccupied at 12:00 AM.
Figure 9
Wednesday Thursday
Occupied A @
8:00 AM
Occupied A @
8:00 AM
Occupied A @
8:00 AM
Occupied A @
8:00 AM
Occupied A @
8:00 AM
Unoccupied @
5:00 PM
Unoccupied @
5:00 PM
Unoccupied @
5:00 PM
Unoccupied @
5:00 PM
Unoccupied @
5:00 PM