2800 Laura Lane Madison, WI 53562 | 800.288.9383 Fax: 608.836.9044 | www.tcsbasys.com
Information on the system status screen is broken into three groups:
• System
: The current system state. This is the same as the system state shown on the home screen.
: The currently active setpoint pair.
Next Schedule
: The next change in schedule as well as the time that it will occur. Only schedule changes less than
24 hours away are shown.
Cool and Heat Setpoints
: The setpoints currently in use by the thermostat.
Service Status
: This button displays the number of currently active Service Statuses. If there are no active Service
Statuses, the button reads “Ok” and is disabled. Touching this button navigates to the Services Status screen,
(same as touching service symbol on home screen) where any active Service Statuses are viewable.
• Inputs
: These are the primary control points, shown with the same precision used by the controller. This is useful
when the rounding shown on the home screen is insuf
cient to explain the control behavior. When an input value is
not available (not con
gured or no sensor connected), dashes are displayed. The following inputs are shown:
Room Temperature
: The temperature of the space (zone) being controlled.
Outside Temperature
: The temperature of the outside air.
Discharge Temperature
: The temperature of the discharge air.
Mixed Temperature
The temperature of the mixed air.
The percent relative humidity (% RH) of the space.
The carbon dioxide content (parts per million) of the space.
• Relay
: The contents depend on the programed thermostat type.
: Each available heat and cool stage is shown. Additional stages (use of TC and B/O relays for 3rd
and 4th stages) become visible when con
gured as available stages. The status of the fan is included. The status
of each output is shown with an indicator light and state text. The table below shows the meaning of the symbols.
Heat Pump
: The reversing valve relay (B/O) has an indicator light next to it that is always lit: red when heating,
and blue when cooling, this is also shown in the text. Two compressor stages and two auxiliary heat stages are
displayed along with the fan status. The status of each output is shown with an indicator light and state text. The
table below shows the meaning of the state text.
Figure 6
Relay State
Low Limit
Changeover (Heat
Pump Compressors)
Network Override
Indicator Light
Not Lit
Not Lit
Same as On/Off
“(ON!)” / “(OFF!)”
Figure 7
Advanced Status screen details vary pending on model specific features.