Page C-6
Instruction Manual: Professional Receivers and Decoders (IRD)
Audio2 Components Menu
The TV Components menu allows the user to select which part of
components are to be decoded. This is relevant for services with multiple
audio streams associated with the video, for instance.
Table C.7: Audio2 Components Menu
Display title: SET: AUD2 COMP
Aud2 Lang:
Allows the entry of the three character ISO language code, for
selection of the correct audio PID for the Audio2 service. If the
selected code is not present in the audio stream, the first audio
stream in the PMT table will be decoded.
Advanced Menu
The advanced menu is a menu hub, containing submenus that allow the
user to configure various system, output, alarm and remote options.
Table C.8: Advanced Menu
Display title: SET: ADVANCED
System options>
Enters the system options submenu
Output setup>
Enters the output setup submenu
Alarm Setup>
Enters the alarm setup submenu
RS-232 setup>
Enters the RS-232 setup submenu
Resets the entire decoder. The user is presented with a yes/no
selection, before the decoder is reset.
System Options Menu
The system options menu, contains the parameters necessary to configure
the software of the unit. These parameters affect how the CA system and
remote control operates.
Table C.9: System Options Menu
Display title: ADV: SYSTEM
ASI out
“Transparent” or “Descramble” selectable. If descramble is selected, the
currently selected components of the service that is running, will be
descrambled in the outgoing stream.
Ctrl. Mode
Allows the selection of the control mode. “Local”, “Remote”, or “OAC”
selectable. In remote or OAC, no other parameters on the unit can be
changed locally, until the Ctrl. Mode is set back to local.
LL Pin
The local lockout pin. If the decoder is set in Local lockout mode,
inhibiting anything but remote control, the correct LL pin has to be
entered here, to allow manual control of the unit. The PIN is a four digit
number, determined by the software that initiated the Local Lockout.
RemoteLockout Pin. This is a master PIN key, that can override local
lockout, even if the LL PIN cannot be obtained.
Menu lock
“On” or “Off” selectable. If set to On, an 8 key combination has to be
entered, to allow access to the menus.