Speed Dialing
SLT User Guide
Programming Private Libraries
Speed Dialing Programming Private Libraries
7. Hang up.
8. The private library is now empty and may be reprogrammed when necessary.
The following table defines the special codes which may be used when you have a Touch-Tone Dialing (DTMF) telephone.
These codes are used as part of the outside telephone number.
Touch-Tone Dialing (DTMF) Codes
X = 1 through 9 seconds delay
Stop dial (end of outside number)
Outpulsing wait period during which user can dial any number of digits
All following digits are Dial Pulse
All following digits are Touch-Tone Dialing (DTMF) tones
Inhibits display (for Call Accounting System)
Enables display (for Call Accounting System)
Wait for second Dial Tone
Display ‘-’ (for Call accounting System)
Calibrated Opening on trunk (Flash)
Dial out
Dial # out