When an installation is composed of many units (in different zones/groups or not), it is possible to connect all
the Rooftops together and display each unit parameters using only one interface for the whole installation. MASTER/SLAVE
Keeping the unique display, it is also possible to configure the network in Master/Slave. In that case, the first
unit (with address 1) is considered as the Master and all the other units (with address from 2 to 31) are the
Slaves. The aim is to have all the units running in the same way. The master sends ON/OFF, Summer/Winter,
active setpoint, Hour/Date, unoccupied mode and Economizer minimum opening to the connected slaves.
All the other parameters have to be configured on each unit. One of the advantages is to fit only one clock
board in the master unit and send the hour and the date via the network to the slaves (also available in the
Shared Display configuration).
Via the Service menu on the master unit, several parameters must be configured for the PLAN,. There is
nothing to configure on the slaves concerning the PLAN:
PLAN network enabling (for Shared Display also): If No, the alarms in relation with the PLAN are not
generated any more. But the PLAN for the Shared Display is still available (with the slaves units that
are connected). In the Master/Slave configuration, the master stops sending the data to the slaves
and the units configured as PLAN slaves run in stand-alone. To have a unit running as stand-alone
or master, its PLAN address must be 1. If the PLAN is enabled, PLAN alarms can be generated and in
the Master/Slave configuration, the slaves always run with the data sent by the master unit.
If a unit configured as PLAN slave is disconnected before configuring it as stand-alone
or if the PLAN network fails, the slave unit(s) will continue to run as slave with the last data sent by
the master unit.
Number of units connected (for Shared Display also): From 2 to 31. It is strongly recommended to set
the units address by increasing order and not let a missing address. If 20 units are to be connected,
the addresses must be set from 1 (for the master) to 20.
PLAN configuration: Display only (Shared Display) or Master/Slave
PLAN units activation: To run as slave, the units must be activated. If a unit has to be shut down or
disconnected from the PLAN, it must be deactivated. Otherwise, an alarm will appear on the master
and the slave to signal a PLAN failure. Moreover, the slave unit will continue to run with the last sent
PLAN units configuration: If the network is configured in Master/Slave, the connected units with the
addresses from 2 to 31 can be separately configured as Display only (stand-alone with the shared
display) or as slave.
NB: If a unit is not detected any more by the master, a PLAN failure alarm is displayed on the master. To
know which unit(s) is disconnected, have a look at M6 and M7 (main screens) where the units that are
connected are displayed.
The principle is to connect all the units in parallel via one PLAN bus, using the J11 plug of the controller,
while the graphic interface is connected to one of the units (preferably the one with the address 1) using
the J10 plug.