24 SysAer
The daily scheduling can be managed by two different ways:
Unoccupied mode
For both options it is necessary to configure a time band with the Start and End hours, that determines 2
zones: inside and outside the band.
6.3. ON/OFF
When the hour is inside the band (between Start and End hours), the unit is switched ON. When the hour
is outside the band, the unit is switched OFF. If the Start and End hours are inverted (for example Start =
20:30, End = 7:30), the unit will be ON between Start hour and midnight and also ON between midnight
and End hour the following day.
When the scheduling is configured in Unoccupied, the unit is in unoccupied mode outside the band. Inside
the band, as for the ON/OFF configuration, the unit runs normally.
Different parameters are available:
Main fan operation : when the unit is in unoccupied mode (outside the band), the main fan can be
always ON or only ON when the unit is on demand (compressors, freecooling …) and OFF if there is
no demand.
Summer compressors start enabling : in unoccupied mode, it is possible to force the compressors
OFF. Typically, with an Economizer and in summer mode, this parameter gives the possibility to take
advantage of the freecooling (if possible) at night, but also not to allow the compressors to start.
That way, the electric consumption is reduced to the maximum, and if the freecooling is not possible,
the unit will stay in standby (with main fan OFF if configured previously) until the morning and the
end of the unoccupied mode.
Economizer minimum position (if active in the Service menu) : when the unit is ON and main fan ON,
the Economizer is always open at least at the minimum position set in the Service menu (manually
or by analogue input). But in unoccupied mode, it is also possible to set this minimum opening to
0% because there could be no need to take fresh air when the building is unoccupied (especially in
winter mode).
Summer and Winter setpoints : in unoccupied mode, these setpoints replace the setpoints set in the
Setpoints menu
It is possible to mix weekly and daily scheduling