Table 10-15
Options on the
page (continued)
When the Intel SCS receives a Hello message from an Intel
AMT device, setup and configuration will proceed
automatically, unless this option is checked. If you check
this option, you must authorize setup and configuration
through the Authorize systems operation on the Intel AMT
Systems page.
“Intel AMT systems page”
on page 150.
Require confirmation before
Intel AMT configuration
Select an option that matches your root certification
authority certificate’s CN field.
First Common Name (CN) in
certificate subject name
This parameter determines how frequently Intel SCS checks
the queue in the database for new tasks.
The default is 1000 milliseconds.
Queue polling period
This parameter determines the maximum number of SCS
operations that can be performed concurrently by each SCS
service. The operations are: configuring or unconfiguring
an Intel AMT platform, synchronizing clocks, and so on.
This value can be adjusted to optimize the service’s
performance, depending on the number of CPUs and the
memory size.
Default: 6 threads.
Worker threads
The system wide actions log can be recorded at several
levels. The more detail that is recorded, the more system
resources and bandwidth must be allocated.
Log level
This parameter determines how long log entries are saved.
The default is 10 days.
Keep log for
This parameter determines how long security status entries
are saved.
Default: 2 months.
Keep security audit log for
Select Active Directory Organizational Unit dialog box
This page lets you select the Active Directory Organizational Unit for the
functionality that you are configuring.
About Out of Band Management Component pages
General page