Camera Management: PTZ
This is where you can configure the DVR to operate PTZ
devices. PTZ stands for Pan, Tilt and Zoom.
Camera: The camera you’d like to associate a PTZ device
Baud Rate: Check the documentation that came with
your PTZ device to learn this value. Most
PTZ units
operate at 2400 or 9600bps.
Data Bit, Stop Bit & Parity: Options that subtly change
the way the DVR talks to the device. This is important to get
right - check the documentation that came with your PTZ
device to learn these values.
Flow Ctrl: Check the documentation that came with your
PTZ device to learn this value.
PTZ Protocol: A protocol is like a language that the DVR
uses to talk to the PTZ device. Ensure that this setting
matches the requirement of your device.
Address: The command address of the PTZ device you
want to associate with this channel. For the RS485 control
to work with the supplied video cameras, change this
value to 1.
Note for Remote Access and Mobile Device users:
The PTZ functions of the DVR and compatible cameras can be
controlled remotely via the SwannView Plus software, as well
as by the SwannView mobile viewing app.
Please note: due to the latency (a fancy word for “delay”) caused
by streaming so much data over an Internet connection, there
will be a momentary pause between selecting a direction for
the camera to move and it actually moving.
Typically the delay will be less than one second; however
periods of up to thirty seconds are not uncommon on mobile,
wireless or slow Internet connections.