Record: Schedule
Important Guidelines
The schedule presented on-screen applies to one channel
Use the Copy function to quickly assign identical schedule
layouts to multiple channels at once.
Be careful when programming your schedule. It’s one
of the most important aspects of setting up your DVR,
and if it’s wrong in any way, it could lead to disastrous
complications later.
Camera: Select a camera that you would like to add a
schedule to.
Enable Schedule: Select this to enable the schedule.
Copy (Channel): Located at the base of the screen, this will
allow you to copy the schedule from the channel you’re
editing to another channel or channels.
The Action Options for Motion Detection and the
External Sensors will affect the way the schedule
By default, all channels are armed to use Motion
Detection as their recording mode, but not to use
external sensors
(not included)
Recording Modes:
There are five types of recording to choose from.
Normal: The DVR will constantly record for any period
where Normal is selected. You won’t miss anything, but
constant recording will fill your hard drive very quickly.
(The DVR does record the equivalent of a DVD film every
two hours on every channel, so that’s rather a lot of data!)
Typically, we suggest Motion as a better recording mode for
most users.
Motion: The recommended recording setting for most
applications. The DVR will only record when it detects
something moving in front of a camera, and will then only
record footage from the camera(s) that do detect motion.
Before setting any of your schedule to Motion, ensure that
Motion Detection is properly configured for the channel(s)
you want to associate with it. See “Camera Management:
Motion” on page 47 for more information about setting
up and configuring Motion Detection.
Alarm: The DVR is armed to record if it detects an alarm
event. This is the setting you’ll want to use if you’ve
connected external sensors to the DVR’s alarm block.
Motion & Alarm (M & A): Will trigger the DVR to record
when there is an alarm event and motion being detected.
Motion | Alarm (M | A): Will trigger the DVR to record on
either an alarm event or motion being detected.
None: As the name suggests, the DVR will not record