Configuration: Exceptions
An Exception is any deviation from the DVR’s normal
behaviour - phrased another way, it’s like saying the DVR’s
been working fine except for these events.
Exception Type: What event type you’d like the DVR to
react to. By configuring the Action for these events, you can
create any combination of audio alerts (see below) or auto-
emails to be sent for different event types.
HDD Full: As the name suggests, this event occurs
when the DVR runs out of space on the hard drive to
save new footage. This event is redundant if you’ve
got overwrite enabled, as the DVR will automatically
delete old footage to ensure it can continue to record.
HDD Error: Occurs when the DVR has trouble accessing
its hard drives, or when it cannot detect one at all.
Network Disconnected: Will occur if the DVR has
problems connecting to the Internet. This may indicate
a problem with the DVR’s configuration, a fault with
your network or a problem with your Internet Service
Provider (ISP).
• IP Conflicted: This event will occur if the DVR detects
another device on the same network with a conflicting
IP address. It’s a little like two houses with the same
number being on the same street - one house might
get the other’s mail, or get woken up at all hours of the
night being asked if someone named “Big Bob” lives
Basically, it indicates that two devices are trying to use
the same IP address. This shouldn’t occur if you’re using
DHCP addressing, unless one or more devices is set to
use a STATIC IP (the static addressing method overrides
the automatic assignment process).
Illegal Login: This will occur if the DVR detects a login
with an incorrect username or password.
Input/Output Video Standard mismatch: If the
camera connected is not capable of matching the
resolution selected in the Record: Encoding menu
and CVBS Output Standard in the Configuration:
General menu.
Record Exception: This will occur if there are
unexpected errors during capture such as a HDD failure,
if the HDD is full or if the HDD quota has been changed.
Audible Warning: The DVR will use its internal buzzer
to emit an alarm tone. It sounds like an old computer
indicating an error, or a large truck backing up.
Alert CMS Software: This will alert the
SwannView Plus
client software installed on your computer.
Send Email: The DVR will send an auto-email alert when
the event type you’ve selected occurs.
Trigger Alarm Output: Instructs the DVR to output an
alarm signal from the alarm output terminal(s). The alarm
output(s)must be correctly connected and configured.