Configuration: Alarm: Alarm Output
Configuration: RS-232
Here you can control the operation of the DVR’s Alarm Out
port. Note that the alarm output(s) on the DVR is
Open (NO)
. If you’ve got an external device, it must be
configured to use a NO triggering method; otherwise
they’ll be in a permanently alarmed state.
Alarm Output No.: The connection that corresponds to the
output you’ve connected an external device to.
Alarm Name: The name you want to associate with the alarm.
Dwell Time: The amount of time you’d like the DVR to
maintain the
Alarm Output
Handling: Here you can define what will happen when
the alarm output(s) has been alerted.
The Configuration: RS-232 menu will allow you to change
settings for the RS-232 port. It is mainly used for low level
testing and is not required for day to day use.