The Export: Normal menu (above) will show you all
recordings that you can export to an external backup
device such as a USB flash drive/HDD, an eSATA HDD or a
DVD writer.
1. From the Record Type dropdown list, select the type(s)
of video you’d like to playback. The options are Normal,
Motion, Alarm, Motion | Alarm, Motion & Alarm,
Manual and All.
2. From the File Type dropdown list, select from
Unlocked, Locked or All.
3. Set your Start Date/Time and your End Date/Time
and click the Search button.
The Export: Event menu (below) will show you recordings
that were triggered by the DVR detecting motion.
Event Type: Select either Alarm Input or Motion.
Set your Start Date/Time and your End Date/Time and
click the Search button.
Export: Normal/Event
Playback: Smart Search
1 2 3 4 5
1) Mute: Mutes audio playback.
2) Start clipping: This button allows you to set mark in and
mark out points on your video which you can then export
to a USB flash drive or USB hard drive. It’s a basic way to
edit a video file that you have selected to play. When you
have selected to play a video file, press the Start clipping
button at the mark in point and press it again at the mark
out point. To save the file, press the Exit button. You will
then be prompted if you would like to save the file; click Yes
to save. If you have made a mistake, click the Exit button
and click No. Repeat the above process. Multiple mark in
and mark out points can be applied.
3) Add default tag: Tagging allows you to record
information such as location or people at a certain point
within the video. The default tag name is TAG. Multiple tags
can be added.
4) Add customized tag: Same as above but you can choose
your own tag name.
5) Tag management: This button allows you to edit or
delete tags that you have added to the video.
6) Play controls: These are your play, pause, rewind and
forward controls.
7) Video Search/Hide/Exit: These buttons allow you to go
back to video search, to hide the playback interface and to
exit playback.