Configuration: General: DST Settings
Enable DST (checkbox): Enable this setting if you’d like the
DVR to adjust the time when daylight savings time begins.
From/To: Here you can define when daylight savings
applies to your location. There are many different standards
for DST which can vary dramatically even in the same time
zone, so you’ll need to tell the DVR when it applies to you.
DST Bias: This refers to the difference in minutes, between
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and the local time. Select
the time that DST has increased by in your time zone.
Note: Some NTP servers are NOT fully compatible with DST
(Daylight Savings Time). This may cause your system to double-
count adding one or removing one more hour than they
should, or cancel each other out. You may need to intentionally
change your time zone to compensate, or simply not use NTP
and DST simultaneously.