Camera Management: Image
Camera: Select the camera that you would like to change
the image settings for.
Period 1: This determines the period that you would like to
apply the settings for. The default setting is for 24hrs. This is
particular useful if you would like to have different image
settings for different times of the day. You may want to have
a different set of image settings for daytime and night time
for example.
Period 2: If you have changed the settings for Period 1,
then the remaining hours will be set to Period 2.
Mode: There are four preset modes that you can select from.
These are Standard, Indoor, Dim Light and Outdoor. You
can select one of these modes for Period 1 and Period 2.
You also have the option of changing the following settings:
Brightness: Changes how light the image appears to be.
However, it can’t make the camera see further in the dark,
or increase the clarity of an ill-lit image.
Contrast: Increases the difference between the blackest
black and the whitest white in the image. Useful if sections
of the image “grey out” but setting the contrast too high will
degrade image quality.
Saturation: Alters how much color is displayed in the
image. The higher the saturation, the more bright and vivid
colors will appear to be. Again, setting this too high can
degrade image quality.
Hue: Changes the color mix of the image (this can have
very dramatic results). It’s somewhat like moving through
a rainbow.
Sharpness: How crisp your images will be. Setting the
sharpness too high will make your pictures look pixelated,
like old computer graphics. On the other hand, setting the
sharpness too low will make everything look soft and blurry
– a bit like looking through lightly frosted glass.
Denoising: Select the level of noise reduction to be applied
to the video signal.