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SureShot Dispensing Systems® Liquid Dispensers provide refrigerated liquids such as cream,
whole milk, skim milk, juices, liquid egg and concentrates in automatically controlled portions or
in manually selected portions. Our factory has preconfigured your dispenser to deliver product
quantities specified by your company. Product selections are made using touch buttons on the
front panel. Each button is preset independently to dispense a specified amount of refrigerated
product in accurate, portioncontrolled quantities using our unique, stateoftheart
microprocessor technology. The product is stored in a sanitary, refrigerated compartment within
the dispenser.
IntelliShot – advanced portion control refrigerated liquid dispensers
UniShot – selfserve portion control refrigerated liquid dispensers
FlexoShot – manual operation refrigerated liquid dispensers
Dispensers are manufactured in a variety of models: (See page 2)
Portion Controlled to dispense one, two or three products in predetermined quantities
SelfServe to dispense one, two or three products by levers to deliver quantity desired
Fill in Place to dispense two or three products in portioncontrolled quantities or self
serve dispensers that may be refilled in place on your shelf
Operating the dispenser is a simple twostep process:
For PC and FP Dispensers:
1. Place cup under the product delivery tube.
2. Press buttons for the desired quantity and product.
For SS Dispensers:
1. Place cup under the product delivery tube.
2. Press lever to deliver product quantity you desire.
Safety Precautions
Always plug the dispenser into an approved electrical outlet.
The dispenser includes a microcontroller and must be operated on grounded electrical
wiring at all times.
Unplug the dispenser from its electrical source before servicing.
Do not immerse the dispenser in water.
Observe all safety precautions with this dispenser that you would with any electrical