No. 7, Road 12, Industrial Zone, Taichung City 407, Taiwan
Tel: 886-4-2359-1190 Fax: 886-4-2359-3409
[email protected]
NC RETRACT: Right before the bend, the NC stopper retract slightly to protect the
stopper from damaged by the bended material. The timing of the retract is a
referenced by the SLOW value. If the NC RETRACT is set at zero, thn
retract happens at the same time the cylinder reach SLOW position. Enter a
positive or negative value here to have the NC stopper retract earlier or later
than the SLOW position.
Retract should happen before the bending
ORIGIN SET: the origin position of the NC stopper after calibration. Adjust this
parameter if the NC stopper position is off.
STROKE MIN: the MIN position of the NC stopper travel. Be sure not to enter a
number too small that the NC stopper can be damaged by the bending tool.
STROKE MAX: the MAX position of the NC stopper. This should be smaller than
the hardware limit of the machine to provide software limit protection.
NC SPEED: Set the speed the NC stopper travels
NC BACK AMT: Right before the bend, the NC stopper retract slightly to protect
the stopper from damaged by the bended material. Set the amount of the
retract in this field.