Lisa Compact
Content update
Erase card
Erase playlists
Play announcement
Play commercial
Play playlist <playlist_id>
Play stream <stream_id>
Playlist only update
Power <power_state>
Schedule update
Software update
Software update - forced
Brownout reset. Possible power supply failure.
System reset due to power supply voltage drop. In
case it occurs repeatedly, it is recommended to
exchange the power supply.
Cannot play from card - card not mounted
Cannot play from card - no playlists available
Cannot start content update - card not mounted
Card command interrupted
Cc, ec or ep task was interrupted by another task
or user interaction (power button)
Card cleanup failed
Card cleanup finished - tr.proc: <nr>, tr.del: <nr>
Cleanup of the card has finished, where tr.proc
represents the number of tracks that were
processed and tr.del represents the number of
tracks that were deleted from the card
Card cleanup started
Card usage not activated
Use of the SD card is not supported by this edition
of the Lisa
Configuration update failed
Device does not succeed to get its configurations at
Connection to activation server failed
Device tries to activate, but connection fails
Content update started
Device starts the content update procedure
Could not play announcement '<filename>'
The announcement is not played, because the
required file is not available on the card
Could not play commercial '<filename>'
The commercial is not played, because the
required file is not available on the card